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9 swag ideas for new hires

hydroflasks, an awesome swag idea for new hires

Ryan Campion

October 20, 2021

Giving away swag items to your employees brings a lot of benefits to the table, especially in a remote setting.

It allows you to show that you care about your employees, increases personal branding and can even boost employee’s productivity.

But in order to get all of these benefits, you must pick your swag items wisely.

In this article, you’ll discover the 9 best remote workforce swag ideas for new hires.

#1 Cozy Clothing

joggers are excellent swag for new hires

Giving your employees clothes with your branding is an excellent idea to make them feel like they are part of your community. It gives them a sense of belonging that is especially crucial during the Covid-19 pandemic. But in order to make this swag successful, you have to meet two conditions.

First, the clothing has to look good. If you create ugly or lame clothes, nobody will wear them.

Second, it must be comfy. Let’s face it, your employees likely spend the whole day behind a computer. They’ll be able to focus better if they’re comfortable.

And you definitely want them repping your brand on all those Zoom calls!

So, be sure to make comfortable and beautiful clothes your employees will love to wear.

#2 Desk Essential Pack

If your employees need to constantly get up from their desk to go and find sticky notes, a stapler, or a pen, that will hurt their productivity. Even a small distraction can substantially decrease productivity.

Not only does it take them more time to complete their everyday tasks but also increases the chances of making an error.

Fortunately, you can avoid that with a desk essential pack. In essence, this swag includes things like glue, sticky notes, staplers, pens, etc. Basically everything you’ll need to use when sitting behind your desk.

It’ll increase your employee’s productivity and make their workflow more efficient.

#3 Foam Roller & Yoga Mat

foam roller and yoga mat, great swag ideas for employees

Sitting behind the computer the whole day can make your employees feel tired. What’s more, it can also lead to back pain.

The best way to prevent that is to use some sort of exercise.

That’s why you should provide your employees with the right equipment. One of the best swag ideas for new hires and existing employees is a yoga mat.

You can practice yoga, stretch, do push-ups, lunges, or even squats.

Another swag idea for their space is a foam roller. It’s superb in reducing spasms and tension in your body.

It will help your employees give themselves a massage and soothe any reoccurring pain.

#4 Blue Light Glasses

Due to Covid-19, many employees now work from home. Printfection actually welcomed this new form of work even before the pandemic, but other companies had to adjust quickly.

Unfortunately, working all day behind the computer isn’t bad just for your employees’ body but also their eyes. A super-simple way to lessen this is to start using remote work software solutions and make work from home more efficient.

But this isn’t optimal, because you accumulate a bunch of screen time.

In order to ease eye straing, use blue light glasses. These are special glasses that will prevent their eyes from the toxic exposure of blue light. They keep your employee safe and allow them to work longer without feeling tired.

But blue light exposure isn’t bad just for the eyes. It also negatively impacts sleep, which of course can significantly decrease productivity and performance.

Blue light glasses comprise a great swag idea for new hires and existing staff alike, as it can keep your employees healthy and stylish at the same time.

#5 Coffee Canister & Bottle

Staying hydrated is vital to be healthy and feel great.

Over 60% of our body consists of water. Water also boosts energy, aids digestion, and even helps with blood oxygen circulation. But let’s be honest: how much water did you drink the last time you were sitting behind your computer?

If you’re like most people, you don’t drink enough water… and your employees are the same.

Drinking an insufficient amount of water is bad for your skin, sleep, health and basically everything. An easy way to fix that is to give your employees water bottles. This swag can keep them on their desk and drink enough water throughout the day.

You can also provide them with a canister which is great for coffee drinkers.

Hydration items can seem boring to some, but the Printfection team can absolutely source you some superb options. No list of swag ideas for remote hires would be complete without at least offering some useful options here.

#6 Games & Fun

Working in an office all day can be overwhelming. For instance, if you are a marketer developing a new strategies or a sales funnel, it’s almost a never-ending job. Same thing if you’re an HR pro working on developing growth tracks or implementing a new training program.

Unfortunately, this can be disastrous for your work-life balance and may hurt your health. That’s why it’s crucial to encourage your employees  tonot only work hard but also play hard.

And an easy way to help your employees with that is to give them games they can play with their friends and family.

This swag will improve your employee’s work-life balance and make them healthier and satisfied.

#7 Portable Chargers & Power Banks

Are your employees constantly on the move? Do they have a passion for the outdoors or travel in general?

There’s nothing more frustrating than picking up a smartphone and finding out it has a 0% battery.

Portable chargers and power banks alleviate this problem in a snap.

These swag items allow you to charge your mobile and other devices anywhere and prevent you from running out of battery ever again.

#8 Self-Care Kit

Giving your employees self-care swag can help them in so many ways. But it all depends on what type of swag you give them.

Some great self-care swag you can give your employees nowadays is hand sanitizer or face masks.

They make great complements to the power banks above for any employees who travel for work or play.

#9 Unique drinkware

drinkware is also great swag for new hires and employees

Water bottles are great to keep your employees hydrated.

But some of your employees don’t want to drink from a bottle. Instead, they’d rather drink from a mug, a tumbler, heck maybe even a growler.

It’s also a lot more personal than just a water bottle and gives your employees a sense of belonging to your organization or business. Each time they look at their drinkware, it reminds them that they are a part of your community and makes their day brighter.


Giving swag to your employees can go a long way in making your business successful.

It increases customer retention, job satisfaction, and even helps with productivity. In this article, you’ve discovered the 9 best swag ideas for new hires. Follow the advice above: give your employees swag they’ll use and make them happier.

You can also read our guide about how to take your swag to the next level.

Need more swag ideas for remote hires?

We’re experts at coming up with great swag suggestions for all sorts of HR-related use cases. Request a demo of our swag platform today.

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Ryan Campion


  1. Jeremy Lawson on October 27, 2021 at 6:26 am

    Ryan, that was an impressive list! In my opinion, giving goodies to new hires is an excellent way to connect with them emotionally and welcome them to the organization. It assists them in becoming acquainted with the company’s culture. I believe that eco-friendly swag, such as reusable mesh bags, is a typical win-win situation.

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