Integrate Printfection
with your apps
Specific Integrations

Help sales move deals through the funnel faster, team managers easily order swag for leads and customers.
Your swag manager can approve orders before they're sent.
Integrating with Salesforce
Plug Printfection into software platforms your business uses, all through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
Integrate with hundreds of 3rd party APIs.
Integrating with Zapier
Influitive is a powerful rewards tracking system. Users receive points or rewards for doing certain things.
Influitive users are then able to redeem those points for Swag such as those items set up within Printfection.
Integrating with Influitive
Use Marketo to send leads free swag. Incentivize form fills, customer gifts, and trial signups.
Use the webhook to easily generate gift links.
Integrating with Marketo
Leverage Printfection's Chrome extension to easily generate Giveaway redemption URLs on the fly.
Easily generate giveaway links for campaigns.
See the Chrome ExtensionSpecific Integrations

Use Marketo to send leads free swag. Incentivize form fills, customer gifts, and trial signups.
Use the webhook to easily generate gift links.
Integrating with Marketo
Leverage Printfection's Chrome extension to easily generate Giveaway redemption URLs on the fly.
Easily generate giveaway links for campaigns.
See the Chrome Extension
Help sales move deals through the funnel faster, team managers easily order swag for leads and customers.
Your swag manager can approve orders before they're sent.
Integrating with Salesforce
Plug Printfection into software platforms your business uses, all through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
Integrate with hundreds of 3rd party APIs.
Integrating with Zapier
Influitive is a powerful rewards tracking system. Users receive points or rewards for doing certain things.
Influitive users are then able to redeem those points for Swag such as those items set up within Printfection.
Integrating with InfluitiveSpecific Integrations

Use Marketo to send leads free swag. Incentivize form fills, customer gifts, and trial signups.
Use the webhook to easily generate gift links.
Integrating with Marketo
Leverage Printfection's Chrome extension to easily generate Giveaway redemption URLs on the fly.
Easily generate giveaway links for campaigns.
See the Chrome Extension
Help sales move deals through the funnel faster, team managers easily order swag for leads and customers.
Your swag manager can approve orders before they're sent.
Integrating with Salesforce
Plug Printfection into software platforms your business uses, all through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
Integrate with hundreds of 3rd party APIs.
Integrating with Zapier
Influitive is a powerful rewards tracking system. Users receive points or rewards for doing certain things.
Influitive users are then able to redeem those points for Swag such as those items set up within Printfection.
Integrating with Influitive