Featured t-shirt design of the month: Printfection’s unicorn

July 26, 2012
We know that it can be challenging to design good swag. But it’s important to dig deeper than a plain old logo. Push beyond the basics and create some threads that your customers will be proud to wear. That way, rather than being cooped up in a dresser drawer, your brand will reach even more corners of the world as people sport your swag while out and about.
To get your creative juices flowing, we’ll be featuring a different t-shirt design each month on our blog. This month’s example hits a little close to home– as it’s one of our very own.
The Company: Oh hey! We’re Printfection. You might have heard of us since you’re reading our blog. But in case you don’t already know, basically we put your startup swag on autopilot.
The Customers: We realized that part of our target audience is the marketing crowd. More specifically folks who work in the marketing departments at startups- like Marketing Directors and Marketing Associates. We also recognized that our shirts need to have unisex friendly designs.
The Swag: Meet the unicorn t-shirt (below). With our design we wanted to create something that spoke to what marketers do every day, that they’d be proud to show off- while still including some humor. The result was the saying “Unicorns are just horses with good marketing.” But text alone seemed a little boring, so we added a horse image to bring it to life. We made the front all about our customers, and included our logo on the back (with a small “powered by” because we’d like to think we’re helping!).
Thanks for checking it out. We would love to hear your thoughts! Oh and the even more exciting news: the first 10 people who share this post on Twitter including the hashtag “#printfection” will receive a unicorn shirt!
Stay tuned for next month’s shirt.
(If you’d like to submit a shirt design your startup created please write to realperson@printfection.com)