Startup shirt roundup

September 14, 2012
Let’s end the week with something easy on the eyes, shall we? Check out these awesome startup threads, found through a quick search on the Internet:
1. Path’s t-shirt
This shirt shows a range of emotions, making it fun and elegantly simple. Definitely more exciting than just featuring a company logo.
via Robert Scoble
2. SeatGeek’s t-shirt
What a happy shirt! It’s a great way to show off their company while creating an image people find agreeable.
via SeatGeek
3. TinyPay’s t-shirt
Lovin’ the robot spunk which will totally resonate with the digital crowd.
via TinyPay
4. Glomper’s t-shirt
This shirt features a funny phrase with an eye-catching creature- making the people wearing it feel awesome. It’s all about the customer.
via Glomper
5. Rackspace’s t-shirt
By featuring a product benefit Rackspace effectively speaks it’s audience’s language.
via Rackspace
6. Weekenture’s t-shirt
This fun shirt makes me curious about what the service has to offer. I like the design’s whimsical flow.
via Weekenture
7. TaskRabbit’s t-shirt
Love how they included the adorable bunny mascot. Makes the shirt super cute, while also practical because it includes the tagline too.
via TaskRabbit
8.’s t-shirt
Charcoal looks good on everyone; great color choice.
via Homard
9. Bump’s t-shirt
It’s nice that this shirt includes a clear graphic showing what their product does- instead of spelling it out in words.
via Homard
10. Disqus t-shirt
Great use of contrasting light and dark colors to help these shirts stand out in a crowd.
via Disqus
Do you have a favorite? Share any startup t-shirts you’ve spotted!
And if you’re ready to get some printed up for your company, head here.